The HYDRA project aims to better understand how using hydrogen on a large scale for energy or industry might affect the climate.
It plans to do this by predicting the climate in a scenario where hydrogen is widely used, assessing the policies being promoted by EU and global policymakers, and estimating how much hydrogen-based technology will be used in the future. HYDRA will look at the impact of potential hydrogen leaks and study how hydrogen is absorbed, as well as explore scenarios for land use and water consumption. The project will not only consider climate scenarios but also look at social, economic, and energy projections. HYDRA will set up a monitoring system with new tools to prevent hydrogen leaks, detecting different gases and ensuring safety along the entire hydrogen technology process. The main goal is to analyze climate change predictions and the overall impact of a hydrogen-based economy, identifying benefits, risks, and ways to mitigate problems. The project aims to provide guidance to policymakers through briefs that take into account the life cycle analysis of hydrogen technologies and potential effects of hydrogen losses based on different scenarios.
The ultimate aim of the project is to: